a response for minesotamike
(too old to reply)
2006-05-14 16:31:10 UTC
hello!... mike!

you have post for a response about ibm aptiva computer maintenance and
driver... on Thu, 27 Apr 2006! ( on the website that i see ,to

i have an old aptiva 2170 22u too ( a friend give me for repairing
!! )

and i dont have any driver and maintenance guide about this computer..
im very intersting to have a copy of this !

driver for motherboard
driver for video card and sound

like you know , i cant find this driver about aptiva like many people
and i search for a few time!!

i hope a answer of you , for know how much that you want .
i will apreciate your generosity of this!

you can e mail me on my acount here . and di a response here on this
news group!
i still wait!

i live in quebec , canada . ( quebec city)
scuse my poor english, im a french language user !! ;)

2006-05-15 02:41:06 UTC

No problem with the English. I can email the manual to you if you
would like it. It is a rather large file though, about 5MB. I tried
using WinZip to zip it, but it only came down to 4MB. If that is too
large a file for you to receive, I can probably burn it to a disk and
mail it to you.
As far as the drivers, I'm sorry to say that I can't help much there.
Are you having problems with your hardware that you need the drivers
for? Do you have the original disks for the system? The original
drivers should still work fine. When IBM stopped supporting Aptivas,
they removed all of the good stuff that users need.

